Statement of the Coordinating Council of Union Organizations of: Iranian Educators in solidarity with lawyers, doctors and students

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These days, our Iran is going through inflammatory days, every day that passes, the alignments become clearer and the path of seeking rights becomes clearer.  On one side, the right-seeking and justice-seeking people who strive for freedom and equality, and on the other side, the self-interested power worshipers have lined up. For the first time in Iran's political and social scene, multiple forces from different directions have taken a common goal, in this way, maximum unity and solidarity is the most necessary action ahead.

The requirement of this alliance is to have a deep insight to prioritize collective interests over individual desires. Therefore, along with the social and class struggles of the last few decades, we have witnessed the presence of protests from all social spectrums, and recently we have witnessed the protests of the medical community and independent lawyers. Therefore, the line of repression has targeted many protesting doctors and independent lawyers.
A few days after the attack of security forces and undercover forces on the gathering of lawyers' association, the doctors who considered the process of Mahsa (Zina) Amini's forensic medical case to be opaque and its results far from the truth were also attacked with violence.
Universities, which today have become the true bastion of freedom, have been attacked by monopolists more than other institutions, so that everyone can see that repressive undercover forces with a special military nature do not hesitate to enter universities without any legal considerations. Wherever they think it is necessary, on the order of the commanders, they fire at will and attack the students and treat them with complete cruelty. The suppression of lawyers these days also indicates that incompetent officials never like independent lawyers…

… because their presence has always made and will make it difficult for dependent judges and courts.
At the same time, these days, the government has put the medical community in a situation where they have to choose between the orders of the military and security institutions and the medical oaths and the responsibility of their medicine. Honourable doctors who choose the hard path of medical authenticity are under various pressures. As far as the medical team of Kousar Sanandaj Hospital has announced: due to the intervention of the security and military institutions in the affairs of the hospital and because these forces use the hospital space to identify, arrest and torture protesting people, they go on strike and except for emergency surgeries, which based on their oaths, adhere to doing it under any circumstances, they will not do any other type of surgery. The ominous story of continuous attacks by repressive undercover forces on schools has become daily news. Students and teachers do not feel safe in the school, because these forces do not recognize any kind of legal prohibition to enter the school premises. These days, the commands of under-covered commanders and security guards have become an unwritten law that does not look after the public safety and the welfare of all, but is aimed at their personal interests and interests of the military and other powerful groups. In such a situation, it is necessary for all protesting forces, trade unions and organizations to maintain their solidarity against the growing excesses of the government and defend freedom and equality along with protests for human's rights. The Coordinating Council of Union Organizations of Iranian Educators considers as its duty to declare solidarity with the lawyers’ association, medical society and students and labour strikes across the country. This council believes that what is happening to the people of Iran today is a real example of lawlessness, tyranny and autocracy of the officials and politicians of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This council also believes that cooperation and solidarity between various unions and organizations is very necessary to advance the people's democratic movement and struggle. In the absence of this solidarity and convergence, oppressors can more easily invade the privacy of different guilds and people. The Coordinating Council of Union Organizations of Iranian Educators believes that today the people all around the country are fighting a common struggle against the hypocritical and cruel embezzlers. In this common struggle, the teachers of Iran declare their solidarity with lawyers, doctors, students, workers, Bazaar businessmen and commercials, youths and also the majority protesting justice-seeking people. We, the working and retired educators, believe that until we win over these dark nights, we must help each other to advance this common struggle.